Why is advanced educational degree always not an indicator of intelligence? (what is intelligence anyway?)

There have been many cases that indicate that an advanced educational degree holds no meaning in the context of higher intelligence measure. The education system of measuring the intelligence of the world is determined by the marks obtained. In many cases, I too have observed that in the majority of the field of work the field is observed by uneducated person but they can only be deemed uneducated in terms of literary but they can be considered professor in the level of experience which has made them much refined and learned then so-called educated. The difference between educated-uneducated and uneducated-educated is educated can use technical words while uneducated can't.
Marks can be obtained by just pure reading and not understanding too but experience can't be obtained without understanding what you are doing.
SO, What is education?
"Education is the process of learning anything that can increase not only knowledge of subject one is learning but also increase the experience of that knowledge through practical means and also benefits oneself and others."
So an advanced educational degree doesn't necessarily indicate higher intelligence.

So, what is intelligence anyway?
"Intelligence is the ability to learn anything relatively easily and understand its importance and not only that but the ability to think of a different way to execute it."
People Intelligence quotient tends to be measured by something called I.Q. test which checks the ability to differentiate different shape and color, this sure is a good way but it only measures some basic intelligence level which result cannot be depended upon for Intelligence indicator solely. For e.g. In how many ways can a stone be used? Let us  find out:
Stone can be used in many ways and in many fields like for building structures, leveling rivers course, weapon, fire starter, scout signs, decoration e.t.c.
As shown above, the ability to bring in use anything in a different way and different field is an indication of higher intelligence.
