
Showing posts from 2019

Oh... My Dhangadhi.

            Oh... MY DHANGADHI Oh... My Dhangadhi, How is it going there, I am here but with your memory. Hot summer, Temperature reaching as high as 40°c, But I still get lost in your thought. How I may forget you, How I may not miss you, You are my birth land, You are my father sweat land. Ash in those soil, How I may break my feeling for you, I just wish you bless me to Be fortunate enough to mix in your soil, Mix in my fathers ash, in my ancestors ash, And be the fertilizer of your beauty. Oh... My Dhangadhi how I miss you.

The melodious song.

Uwaah....the melodious sound rang throughout the hospital Precious gem of mothers eye fell above the earth Day came day gone she looked after my well being sacrifising her will Newborn as I was, weak as my mother was she didn't forget to feed me her nectar milk. Life went up and down she lead me like a leader of hound Looking after my good she shielded for me like a mount so that no hardship of life can pound. Happy mothers day.

Guru Purnimaa.

गुरु ब्रह्मा, गुरु विष्णु, गुरु महेश्वोर गुरु माता, गुरु पीता, गुरु पर्मेश्वोरा गुरु ही सर्बेश्वोरा। बग्यो आखा बाट आशु मेरो जब सुने भयो गुरुको अपमान उठ्यो मन मा क्रोध को लहर, जस्तै खुल्यो माहदेव को तेस्रो नेत्र, तर आयो याद ती निर्मल परमेश्वोर सहर आवाज को वाणी, गर्नु हुन्न क्रोध कहिले ये मेरो नानी, हो अग्नि सरह यो जल्छौ अन्तिम मा तिमि नै, फैलाउ प्रेम को कोपिला,संसार लाइ छ यसै को त्रिसना तिमि नै हो आधार भबिस्य को, फैलाउ आफ्नो हात सबैलाइ समेट्न र देउ सबैलाइ छाउ आफ्नो मधु झैँ माया को। -कबिर बम #happy_teachers_day 

Cruel Fate.

Two decades have gone, I moan looking back to the time that has gone. I have grown a thick mustache just like those of my father who has gone. I look back to the past and smile like a young lady who has fallen in love remembering how my father used to rub his clean shaved chin when I used to sleep unusually long.  Oh! how cruel is fate that we can't return back to the time to live the moment that has long gone by?  drops my tear when I recall my childhood time even though I have yet to grow senile?  My mother is sick day by day having lost her smile and constant cough she makes make me realize life is uncertain and the fear of old wave hitting back wakes me up in the middle of the night with tears dropping from my eye. Oh! how cruel is fate I can do nothing but watch everything standing by the side? Oh! how cruel is a life that has created a wall of fate that I cannot cross by?

Why is advanced educational degree always not an indicator of intelligence? (what is intelligence anyway?)

There have been many cases that indicate that an advanced educational degree holds no meaning in the context of higher intelligence measure. The education system of measuring the intelligence of the world is determined by the marks obtained. In many cases, I too have observed that in the majority of the field of work the field is observed by uneducated person but they can only be deemed uneducated in terms of literary but they can be considered professor in the level of experience which has made them much refined and learned then so-called educated. The difference between educated-uneducated and uneducated-educated is educated can use technical words while uneducated can't. Marks can be obtained by just pure reading and not understanding too but experience can't be obtained without understanding what you are doing. SO, What is education? "Education is the process of learning anything that can increase not only knowledge of subject one is learning but also increase the

हिडिरहेको छु बाटोमा

हिडीरहेको छु बाटोमा म ढाडमा आफ्नो भबिस्य बोकेर, चलि रहेको छ जीवन यहाँ मागेको उधारो मा,*२ हे बुवा कहाँ गयौं तिमी छाेडेर मेराे आमा, दाइ र मलाई जिवीत रहुन्जेल  बोकेर हिड्यौँँ आफ्नो ढाडमा रास्ट्र को त्यो अमुल्य सपना बिर्सी परिवार को मोह माया, छाेडेर गयौं आज हामीलाई एकलै जीवन को यो लहर मा, बुझे मैले आज ती मीठो सपना को तीतो महिमा, कसरी हिड्यौं बोकि त्यो सपना को त्यो भार, कसरी हिड्यौंं तेति टाढा बोकेर मलाई त्यो काधमा याद आउछ आज त्यो काध जस् मा बशी मुस्कुरायेको थिए  म, नत भन्यौं छोरा नत शृमति लाग्यौं जीवन भर देश कै लागी, आज छैनौंं तिमी हामी माझ तर हिडिरहेको छु म बोकि तिम्रो सप्ना को त्यो भार, भाचेला मेरो ढाड तर फ्यक्दिन कहिलै सप्ना को ती भार , छोडेर गयौं तिमिले तर रोएन म भनी बुवा किन कि मनमा थियो दुख मलाई बढी हरायो यो देशले येउटा होनहार छोरा, भन्लान् मान्छेले कति रैछ यो निस्ठुरी बाउ जादा रोयन यो कबिर तर छ यहाँ ब्यथा मलाई बढी रुन पायेन मैले किन कि हो म यो देश को येउटा सिपाही, म देश भक्त कबिर गर्छु आफ्नो पिता लाई बिदाइ अर्को देश भक्त लाई बिदाइ। कवि: कबिर बम ।